We Have Extra Plants.

What Does That Mean For You?

After completing or removing an installation, local landscaping companies often have leftover plant material that they must dispose of. Frequently, these ‘Extra Plants’ are in great condition and could easily be used again. The only roadblock to this happening is time. If these plants cannot be used again for months, the cost of keeping them happy and healthy far outweighs the cost savings of reusing them at a later date.

This is where you come in. When our plants come back in pristine condition, they will be offered for sale on our website after a brief holding period in one of our greenhouses. This translates into a large cost savings for you over other vendors because you are essentially purchasing a plant secondhand. In return, you get a larger plant grown in the same greenhouse conditions delivered to your door for less.

Because our plants were originally purchased for specific commercial applications, their size and shape might be larger than the average plant you might see at the local garden center. That is why everything is clearly labeled with a pot size and average plant size. Our inventory will also fluctuate because we are not ordering new plants to fit demand, so please be patient if you are hoping for something specific.

Before You Buy

 Plant Size

Because our plants were originally purchased for specific commercial applications, their size and shape might be larger than the average plant you might see at the local garden center. That is why everything is clearly labeled with a pot size and average plant size.


Every plant purchase made is hand delivered by our team. The large size of our available plants makes this the most cost effective way to get you your order. Local pickup is also available at no additional cost.

Plant Quality

Every one of our plants is vibrant, healthy, and ready to

Dynamic Growth

If it’s time to take your business to the next level, Dynamic Growth will get you there quickly and efficiently. Let us take you there!





Determined to create something better, our company was formed to help small businesses reach that next level without losing their personality. Fortune 500 and some of the best marketers in the world created a dynamic company of consultants who were able to take a small business in hand and turn it into a growing, dynamic powerhouse.

We believe that creating growth is only helpful if the company is able to continue. Destroying a company’s spirit in the interest of growth only leads to a failed enterprise.

Because of this value, we’re always happy to go above and beyond for your company, reaching out to our extensive network of contact to develop the perfect program so your company can realize an amazing level of dynamic growth.

We don’t want you to change. We’ll help you get there without sacrificing your values.


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